


Lights Up

The specific sins from which we’re saved can become holy embers from which His light burns brightest in our lives. How can men and women in darkness know the Savior He is unless they hear of the strong, dark giants from which He has saved us?

Plot Twist 2: Flesh

Sin doesn’t grant you permission to do what you want. It gives you no option but to do what it wants. And worse yet, to believe the want has come from you.

Merciful Refusal

Too many people have the unfortunate problem of managing quite nicely. Quite nicely is nice when all things are well, but when there’s a secret moral failure, a destructive pattern, a relational problem, or a long-buried wound, managing quite nicely is a problem. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. It’s a silent misery. As a 19 year old Christian college student, I was harboring secret sexual sins...

What Lies Beneath

I was recently given the daunting task to give a comprehensive lecture on the topic of sex within one hour. How could I possibly do justice to this topic in such a short amount of time? Of course I knew to seek the Lord’s leading on how to best face this challenge and was shown that I should not focus on surface behaviors.  There were deeper issues to be addressed and as I pondered what to...

What Lies Beneath (cont’d)

Intimacy (In-to-me-see) There were no masks, posing, or facades between Adam and Eve before the brokenness of sin entered the world.  This is hard for us to imagine.  Adam and Eve’s exterior and interior were naked and unashamed.  They could intuit each other’s humanity.  They could see the real in each other.  They saw into each other’s depths. How wonderful to have nothing to hide, no diseased...

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