


Knowing Him

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~ Ephesians 6:12 If you are anything like me, you may have read a particular passage of Scripture several times in the course of your life; then one day you read it again, and it’s as if you see it...

Purity: Resting or Struggling

Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day. -Pooh’s Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne   This little nugget of Pooh-inspired wisdom seems out of sync with the frenetic world that we live in today. Our lives are often overwhelmed by appointments, busy schedules, and to-do lists as we are distracted and pulled to meet the demands of a 24/7 culture. This constant...

Created for More

Knowing what you’re living for is always more powerful than knowing what you’re living against. Most Christians don’t seem to know this or live this way. They might say they’re living “for God,” but press them further and they may not be able to define what that means.. I’m increasingly aware of how important this is in the area of sexuality. Culturally, Christians have lost their voice because...

Choosing Christ without Demanding Change

Sexual sin has been tenacious in my life. I remember my very first night at a Regeneration gathering—sharing that I wanted to “get in, get better, and get out because I have work to do for the Lord.” I had no idea how deeply my sexual sin ran, and I had no idea how long freedom would take. We live in a consumer-driven culture, and as such our mindset about nearly everything is from the...

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