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Kyle Bowman

Kyle Bowman Kyle has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and a certificate in Biblical Studies. She is a Certified Guide for Jay Stringer’s Unwanted. Kyle specializes in the areas of unwanted sexual behavior, singleness, intimacy and desire. Kyle has worked with Regeneration for 15 years. She is the creator of Oasis, a curriculum for women struggling with unwanted sexual behavior. In addition to her...

What Are You Waiting For? (And Why It Matters.)

I lament the number of Christians who are faltering, compromising, and walking away from the faith because of concerns related to Christianity’s views on sex and sexuality. I think one of the biggest reasons has to do with our individual and collective struggle with waiting. Advent means beginning. We often think of Christmas as the end of our waiting. But that’s not exactly true, is it? Yes, the...

Did Jesus Talk about Sexual Orientation?

In Christian circles, when we talk about sexual orientation, we’re usually talking about same-sex attractions. This is certainly a sensitive and hot-button topic today so it makes sense. Maybe you’re concerned about a Christian loved one who is experiencing same-sex attraction, or maybe same-sex attraction is something you deal with yourself. Either way, would it help you to know that every time...

Jesus Will Wash Your Feet If…

Pride is a tenacious, sneaky, and deadly thing. It can lurk even in places where we find ourselves deeply wounded or hurting. It can lurk even when we believe ourselves to be humble. Benjamin Franklin humorously suggested that if ever he were able to rid himself of pride, he’d surely end up being proud about it. Last week during a time of prayer, God gave me an image of Jesus washing people’s...

Why Purity Culture Misses the Mark

Recent events have lit up news and social media feeds with concerns about the mess that “purity culture” has made of people’s perceptions of sex. I don’t know enough about what does and doesn’t constitute “purity culture” to address that formally here, but I do know that many Christians have approached the topics of sex, desire, and marriage in ways that may be well-meaning, but in the end...

Why Does the Enemy Call You Names?

If you struggle with unwanted sexual thoughts or behaviors, I have an important question for you:  What do those struggles lead you to believe about yourself? Do Lies of a faulty identity ring true? Everybody I know who has a history of habitual sexual sin has their own unique list of negative words, ideas, and images they are tempted to believe about themselves: Perhaps dirty...

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