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My phone stopped working last week. Maybe this is why I’ve been noticing so many people are on their mobile devices recently. The dad scrolling through newsfeed at his daughter’s softball game. The guy in the car next to me glancing back and forth between his phone and the road. The half a dozen tables of teenagers at the coffee shop with their friends—phones out, heads down, and fingers swiping...

Excerpt from Path through the Wilderness

… Jesus’ greater purpose in coming to earth was to be the connection, the way for us to be in right relationship with the Father. Adam and Eve’s capacity to see and hear aright changed the moment they ate of the [forbidden] fruit. Their spiritual eyes closed …they went from life to death! Knowledge of good and evil replaced their true source of life. Knowledge in and of itself cannot impart life...

Courage to Love

People aren’t created to lust. But many people do. Most Christians I know who struggle with lust have one of two responses: They give in to temptation or they run away. Given the option between the two, running away is better. But running away from temptation isn’t our goal. At least not if we want to become like Jesus. If we want to become like Jesus, our goal should be to no longer see people...

A Different Approach to Desire

We have two typical responses when confronted with desire. The first is to indulge it. We want what we want and we want it now. This is the starting place for most of us even as little children. Some of us never outgrow it. We can trace this approach back to our first father and mother who, though God said not to, ate the forbidden fruit because it looked good and seemed to promise what they...

Will I Ever Be Free?

By all means, hope, pray, and seek freedom from temptations. And be smart to avoid temptations that you can. But do not be discouraged at internal temptations that persist. Remember, the pinnacle of Christ’s ministry, the summit of His love for you was demonstrated not on a cruise but on a cross.


Once you’ve begun identifying the cues, the next step is to begin practicing responding in healthy ways. Temptation says your pain is the enemy. But it’s actually a friend telling you there’s a problem that needs resolving. Instead of running from the pain or medicating it, how can you bring a healthy resolution to it?

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