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Thieves, a Review

This thought-provoking and powerful blog was posted a year ago today. To view the original post, and read the comments, click here. God knows life hurts sometimes. This is reality in a world that’s fallen. Jesus’ forewarning that “in this life you will have trouble” (John 16:33) was certainly about more than traffic jams and tax increases. It hurts when your marriage isn’t holding together, when...

Homosexuality, Theology, and You

Over the past several years, a growing number of Christians have shifted their theology to affirm monogamous gay unions and gay marriage. They didn’t wake up one day and decide to change their beliefs. They got to know LGBTQ+ people, and listening to their experiences or watching their lives made them question what they’d previously thought, including their theology. If you’re in a place of...


God knows life hurts sometimes. This is reality in a world that’s fallen. Jesus’ forewarning that “in this life you will have trouble” (John 16:33) was certainly about more than traffic jams and tax increases. It hurts when your marriage isn’t holding together, when you’re single but long to be married, when homosexual desires persist though you’ve prayed they’d change, when you look at porn...

Battle Training For Men In the War Against Temptation

What Challenges Do You Face With Temptation? Is looking at pornography a problem for you? Or do you find yourself doing something against your beliefs online or with some other person? Have you tried to stop and found yourself still going there anyway? Do you ask yourself why and don’t have the answers or resources to see the change in your life that you want to see? Do you want more life, joy...

Frequently Asked Questions…

About Homosexuality Does the Bible really prohibit homosexual sex? This a hotly debated topic in our culture and even in some of our churches today. You most likely know someone who has “come out” as gay or lesbian or perhaps you yourself have same-sex attractions and you’re struggling to know what to do. For Christians who look to Scripture as their primary source of truth regarding how to live...

About Us

re·gen·er·a·tion /rəˌjenəˈrāSH(ə)n/ n.  1.the action or process of being reformed, regrown, or created again;  2.restoring lost or injured aspects of oneself. About Us We’re people. Men and women. Some of us are married. Some are single. Some of us have struggled with sexual sin. Some of us have experienced divorce. Some of us have had same-sex attractions. Some of us...

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