Maybe when it’s all said and done, this is why I follow Jesus—why I’m a Christian. Because Jesus came in the flesh, died and rose in the flesh, ascended in the flesh, and will return for us in the flesh. Because underneath so much of my trying, I’m a little boy whispering, “Will you hold me? I love it in your arms.
Further Up
Desire is most powerful in the pure of heart.
Desire Immense
It is not an overabundance of desire that leads us from God's will, but a lack of it.
Desire Incited
Where in your life do you find yourself getting angry that others have something you want? Let it incite desire in you.
Knowing About or Knowing
There's a difference between learning about God and getting to know God.
Hospitality to Strangers
True self-acceptance is a key to change. A skewed self-acceptance refuses change.