



If you’ve seen an alleyway lined with blankets and cardboard boxes or an underpass flickering with the light of empty oil drum fires, you’ve had a glimpse of a vagabond fellowship. It’s a place where the beat down and broken find an accepting community, but one where they remain broken.


We’re not too comfortable, it seems, with being real—particularly about the most painful, or sinful, or out-of-control parts of our lives. What if we were?


I’ve been noticing a crazy idea floating around in my head and heart. It’s one of those ideas that’s gone on undetected and unchallenged, like background noise that’s so familiar you don’t notice it until someone points it out to you. It goes something like this: The better you are, the less you need others. Once you’ve earned your diploma, you stop going to classes. The stronger you are, the...

Lust Makes You Fat

I talked with a man last week whose wife has started limiting sweets to only one day a week. I found what he shared to be such a compelling idea for dessert lovers, and I can’t help but think about the parallels to dealing with sexual desire.

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