


Increase Motivation with Just One Word

In your pursuit of change, how’s your motivation level?   For many who are trying unsuccessfully to leave unwanted sexual behaviors, low motivation is a significant problem. So how can you increase how motivated you are?   With just one word.   To discover if this one word can help you, you first need to ask yourself why you’re trying to change.   Why are you...


It makes sense why we find ourselves drawn to stories, movies, and songs about a nobody who becomes someone spectacular.

3 Reasons Life Is Better (without Porn)

It’s been over a decade since porn was a regular part of my visual and mental diet. I’m one of many who have found that life is simply better without porn. Life Without Porn Here are three reasons why: 1. A free conscience. Those who indulge in porn know the stress of looking over their shoulder to make sure no one will see what they’re watching, deleting internet history, and shading...

You’re Not Digital

Think back over your life in the past three months. What were your most meaningful moments? With the possible exception of a Skype or Face Time call with a far-away loved one, I’m guessing those moments weren’t in front of a screen. And yet, as Americans we’re spending more and more time plugged into electronic media. So are our kids. What are we looking for? Our eyes peer intently at screens as...

Sorry, Eyes

A pen is designed to write. A book to be read. A violin to play music. A pen can also punch a hole in a watermelon. A book can work as a decent footstool. And in a pinch, a violin would make fine kindling. Likewise, eyes can lust. But they’re not designed to. If you struggle with lust, you need to know this. Your eyes aren’t the problem. Christ came to condemn sin in your eyes, not to condemn...

Unfit for Man

How often do you see men depicted in contemporary media who successfully resist when tempted sexually? Examples are rare, but I’ll bet most of us can think of at least a few. Now what about depictions of men turning away from an opportunity to lust? Examples are nearly non-existent. The man always turns to see what he’s not invited to, to steal a glance, to take a peek, even to let his eyes...

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