3 Reasons Life Is Better (without Porn)


It’s been over a decade since porn was a regular part of my visual and mental diet. I’m one of many who have found that life is simply better without porn.

Life Without Porn

Here are three reasons why:

1. A free conscience. Those who indulge in porn know the stress of looking over their shoulder to make sure no one will see what they’re watching, deleting internet history, and shading the truth to hide how they’ve spent time. This all takes a heck of a lot of time and energy.

When porn’s gone, our conscience can rest. Rather than eliciting fear, the words, “Daddy, can I use your laptop?” or “Honey, what are you watching in there?” become opportunities for connection.

2. A free brain. Watching police dramas a couple nights a week will change the way you feel about the older man at the park who stops to watch your kids playing on the playground. Similarly, a regular intake of pornography changes the way you interpret a smile from a person at the gym or where your thoughts go when an attractive stranger joins you on the elevator.

When porn is gone, people become people again instead of “sex objects” or “temptations.” Moments that were once hijacked into pornified storylines become opportunities to enjoy the simple pleasures of interacting with fellow human beings.

3. A free heart. I used to love porn (even while I hated it). But porn never loves anyone back. Porn wants to own you in the darkest way. It purports to enhance love, but it knows nothing of love. Porn is all about me and my pleasure – what I want, when I want it, how I want it. That ain’t love. And it isn’t good food for a heart.

When porn is gone, a heart is freed up to learn to love. Men and women who do the hard work to break free and stay free from the clutches of porn can begin to grow in the virtue of love on a whole new level. Their hearts can breathe enough to ask (and mean), “How can I serve?”

Please don’t misunderstand: The absence of porn doesn’t automatically create a free conscience, a free mind, or a free heart. But if you want to be free in any of these areas, porn has got to go.

If you are struggling with porn, call us. You don’t have to live like this. Life is better without porn.

Question: What are some other reasons life is better without porn? Leave a comment below.

Gratefully without,

Thanks For Reading.

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  • Thanks for sharing this, Josh! So true about all these freedoms.

    And I would add one more “free” thing: free TIME. Porn promises to take just a few minutes of my time. “Just check that one web site real quick, just in case anything interesting is there.”

    If I could have back the hours and hours and hours of time that I willingly poured out in sacrifice to the porn god, and if that time instead would have been used for worship, for prayer, for study (or even for getting good sleep!) how much further along in my walk would I have been.

    Keep up these encouraging posts. May God be glorified as he redeems our brokenness.

  • Life without porn will increase your self respect, and free you to learn to respect others, who have a dignity that you may not have been able to see before. What a discovery!

  • When you indulge in porn you open doors to the enemy. These spiritual doors can cause havoc in your home and most of all begin to tempt your children. Then it’s like a plague that goes around infecting everyone in the home. Sexual sin can go from lust to sexual perversion very quickly. God please take the taste, desire and want of sexual sin from us forever! That INE day we wake up with no appetite to fulfill the desires of the flesh, in Jesus name!

By Josh Glaser

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