3 Steps to Help Wallop Sin



What personal sin has been an ongoing losing battle for you? Is it your temper, impure thoughts about another person, sex outside of God’s design, fear, pride?

Changing any longstanding pattern is usually a challenging process. But freedom is possible.

Take a moment and imagine what your life could be like without it. Imagine how different your relationships could be. Would you like to be free? Would you dare to hope?

If so, there’s no simple recipe, but here are three essential steps that will take you deeper and move you forward toward the freedom you seek:

1. Confession – Say out loud what you’ve done. Say it clearly and simply. To at least one other trusted person.

I had sex with my best friend, I stole $1000 from my company, I lied to my kids, I lusted after a woman on the bus. 

Whatever it is, say it.

2. Community – Bring your life as-is into a small band of brothers and/or sisters. And be willing to know them as-is, too. No place for posturing or posing.

Confession is a part of this. In fact, when you hold back your as-is life from the light of others, you’ll only experience a fraction of what God has for you in community.

3. Collision – Together in your community, bring these troublesome as-is parts to the cross. This is where the powerful work of Christ on the cross is actualized in your life. This is holy collision.

Jesus, Debi has confessed her sins of lust and idolatry. We now press them into Your body on the cross. Absorb her guilt and shame and release to her now all Your forgiveness, goodness, and love.

Give the Spirit of Christ room here to personalize what He’s done and to take you deeper. Listen together for His good voice.

4.  One more part: Repeat – Think of these first three steps not as quick steps to a finish line, but as a cadence to walk to on a much longer journey.

Confess, commune, collide, confess, commune, collide. . .

As you walk with Him and others, trust Jesus to work powerfully through each step.

“But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you” (Romans 8:11).

What has your experience been with each of these steps? Why do you think they work so powerfully? Which is the most difficult for you? Leave a comment here.

With you,

P.S. Regeneration can help your church small group pastors and leaders to shape their small groups into safe communities where those caught in cycles of sin find freedom. To book a small group leader training, or for more information, contact [email protected].

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By Josh Glaser

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