


The Fruit of a Tree and Sexual Brokenness

You’ve probably heard it said here before that breaking a habit of unwanted sexual behaviors goes beyond “Behavior Management.” Setting up filters or throwing away devices might eliminate the cues to your addiction, but it still leaves you exposed. There’s deeper work to be done. Ultimately, to change your behavior you need to understand the why’s to your behavior. The actions you choose are...

If You Keep Repeating Your Sin

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with our emotions. But emotions can actually lead us to God. It seems to me we live in a world with conflicting and confusing ideas about the place of emotions. I spoke with one man recently who remembers being scolded by his father for expressing anger as a child. How did his father scold him? By yelling at him angrily. A woman I know grew up in a home...

Powerful Partnership: Do’s and Don’ts

The term “Accountability Partner” can carry a high cringe factor.  Yes, they are meant for good – offering space to confess to one another, to pray with one another, to hope for the best for each other.But, if not handled well, Accountability Partners can cause more harm than good.The enemy would love nothing more than for you and your partner to focus on your behavior, smother you in shame...

Pursuing Sexual Integrity

As you do the work of pursuing sexual integrity, cultural messages keep watering down God’s heart for you as His creation. So, let’s pause for a deeper sense of what it means to be a man or to be a woman. Both the mystery and the glory of being man or being woman have been lost in our society. Christ is inviting you to stop and consider the creation story, the very beginning. You and I were...

Sexual Integrity & Your Emotions

Sexual integrity is about you becoming whole. You are made up of many parts – mind, body and soul. And in your journey to becoming whole, it is key to address all the parts that make you, YOU. In the last episode, we examined the role of the body. This week, we’ll learn more about the role of emotions. There is a direct link between your unwanted sexual behavior and your emotional life...

Sexual Integrity Starts Here

Sexual Integrity Starts Here. Integration is a big word describing the large task of becoming whole. Over the next couple of episodes, we’ll dedicate time to understanding the mechanics of sexual integrity. You are a complex, marvelous being with many layers and even more moving parts. When it comes to sexual integrity, you may assume your body is the enemy, the source of sexual sin. That is just...

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