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Is Lust Okay in Marriage?

Is lust okay in marriage? That’s a loaded question. What even is the Definition of Lust? Dan Keefer joins the podcast to unpack the answer. Stopping to consider lust in your marriage may be new to you. We’ll take the first step to define and understand what lust means. There are so many layers. And this conversation is careful to help you understand them. Picking and choosing parts of your spouse...

Tuning in to Lust or Pain

Temptation to lust is usually rooted in the deeper temptation to deal with life’s pain and discomfort on our own terms rather than with God. This is true not only with lust but with many addictive habits. In fact, many addiction recovery groups use the acronym HALT, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired, because those feelings are some of the most common feelings accompanying times of...

Lust and the Search for Worth

I wrote in my last blog that it’s not just biological instinct that draws us to the naked body, but that nakedness draws us because it speaks profoundly to our deep longing for relational intimacy—to know and be known. For those who struggle with lust, this illumines a pathway not just away from the false intimacy of sexual sin but toward something better for which you’re really longing:...

Lent: For Those Who Lust

“If you want to stop lusting, practice fasting.” I heard this idea a few years ago and I think it carries a lot of truth. Adam and Eve ate from the tree that God had forbidden, convinced it would give them what they wanted. Since then, all of us have followed suit—reaching to fill eternal, infinite longings with immediate, finite things. But the really bad news is that even though our hunger...

Five Things I Do When I’m Tempted to Lust

There was a time when it didn’t seem I could resist the urge to lust. The temptation to lust felt like a tidal wave overpowering all my resolve. Lust is not just sexual desire. Lust visually or mentally uses another person for one’s own selfish sexual gratification. You can read more of a Definition of Lust here. I’m still on the journey away from lust, but I enjoy a great deal of freedom...

Lust Makes You Fat

I talked with a man last week whose wife has started limiting sweets to only one day a week. I found what he shared to be such a compelling idea for dessert lovers, and I can’t help but think about the parallels to dealing with sexual desire.

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