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Mere Sexuality with Todd Wilson

Join Josh and Kit this week as they speak with Todd Wilson, the author of Mere Sexuality: Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality. Highlights: …explore the Christian vision of human sexuality… …they needed help in engaging people who were same-sex attracted with grace and love and compassion and understanding… …God has woven sexual difference, male and female, into the fabric of creation…...

How Does God Restore Sexuality?

When I was 22, I remember walking alone across my college campus late at night, ashamed and angry. I looked up at the stars and prayed out loud, “God, I know you love me, and I love you. I also know you hate what I’m doing and I hate it too. So why won’t you change me!?” I’d been viewing pornography again, and sexual sin in my life was something I both hated and loved. I’d read books, tried...

Harmonizing Sexuality and Spirituality

When I was in college, I was a man in conflict. I loved Jesus, and I hated and loved my sexual sin. Late one night, walking alone across my college campus, feeling defeated, having done again what I promised a thousand times I wouldn’t do, I cried out in desperation to God: “I know you love me, God, and I love you! And I know you hate this stuff I’m doing, and I hate that I’m doing it! So why...

Church Leaders – Responding to Homosexuality

Regeneration’s Josh Glaser shares what he tells church leaders who want their church to develop a solid response to the issues of homosexuality and gay marriage. Topics covered: Organization providing help for individuals dealing with homosexuality and other issues for 35 years Churches directing individuals to the organization for support Concern about churches unintentionally sending the...

Homosexuality, Theology, and You

Over the past several years, a growing number of Christians have shifted their theology to affirm monogamous gay unions and gay marriage. They didn’t wake up one day and decide to change their beliefs. They got to know LGBTQ+ people, and listening to their experiences or watching their lives made them question what they’d previously thought, including their theology. If you’re in a place of...

A Revolutionary Teaching on Sexuality

Today, except for books on marriage, most (if not all) Christian resources dealing with sex and sexuality are written to address the problems of sexual sin in order to help people break free from them. In our ministry we are all too aware how pervasive these problems are, and so nearly every day we are recommending one or more of these excellent resources to those who struggle with sexual sin...

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