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Women Watch Porn Too

Women watch porn too, and we want you to know you aren’t the only one.  Let’s begin with this truth: You, a woman, are not alone in your pull to pornography. Statistics back this by revealing that 57% of girls ages 14-18 have viewed pornography. That means more than half the girls in high-school are watching porn. 60.2% of women view pornography. So you are not alone. The truth is simple;...

The Cycle of Addiction

Adapted from the Awaken Course (Strength module lesson 4) Sex is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. God created it this way. By His design, sex makes two people into one flesh, creates new life, communicates self-giving love, brings exhilarating pleasure, burns into one’s brain the image of another, and causes physical and emotional calm.  But like all things powerful, in the...

Help for Hurting Parents

Try allowing this statement to marinate in your heart for a moment: “God is writing a story for your child that you wouldn’t write.” Being a mom is a tough job. Listen in while two moms talk about loving children well. We are with you in NOT underestimating the hurt. Help for Hurting Parents. And we want to encourage you to NOT underestimate the hope. And if you aren’t a mom, stay with us and...

Is It Okay to Fantasize About Your Spouse?

In today’s podcast I’m going to be answering a question that was emailed to us. Is it okay for a man to masturbate while fantasizing about his wife?We encourage you to send us your questions as I really love to answer some of things that you all are experiencing and facing.So the question I got this week was from a guy who’s involved in an accountability group. The guys in the group are...

Using Your Imagination for Fantasy or Faith

In Genesis when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and there was adelight to the eyes, and the tree was to be desired to make one wise she took of its fruit and ate. What did she see? The enemy when he tempts us wants us to see something. But the truth is, what he wants us to see is not reality. She saw something that wasn’t actually there. And the enemy does the same thing to us. He...

Accountability and Integrity

At the core of every sexual integrity problem is relational brokenness. Because God created sex to be relational, it is relational down to its core. And so if you are dealing with a sexual issue, you are dealing with a relational issue. What is a partner or group for accountability? It’s a certain kind of connection. As a result, if you have a relational brokenness in your life, you may...

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