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Why You’re Still Angry at Your Recovering Spouse

When Katie first learned that her husband of ten years had been viewing porn, it rocked her world. She’d known he had struggled with pornography in college, but he had promised it was a thing of his past, and she had no reason to doubt him. Until she discovered porn on one of their devices. When she confronted him with what she found, he eventually confessed that his old habit had started again...

Healing from Abuse: A Personal Story

Abuse is a powerful weapon; destroying its victim’s sense of value and robbing their voice. Years of ongoing physical, emotional, and sexual abuse had reduced Bonnie’s voice to a mere whisper. In this episode of “Becoming Whole,” we are honored to let Bonnie use her voice to tell her story. The fact that Bonnie would sit at a microphone to share with you reveals the triumph of her healing...

A Deeper Kind of Friendship

Your Bro’s, Your Girls, Your Tribe, Your Squad – No matter what you call it, you need a deeper kind of friendship. You and I are wired for connection. Friendship is a special kind of relationship that builds intimacy and brings fun while giving us some footing in this world. Rebecca Baker joins Josh and Kit on the podcast today to unwrap the gift of friendship. You’ll hear how true friends...

Lovingkindness for LGBTQ+

There’s a simple call for all of us who claim to be followers of Jesus: Love others. But when it comes to LGBTQ+ people, we can let fear and misunderstanding get in the way of that call. Do you feel clear about what the Bible says about homosexuality? What does discipleship look like for Christians who experience same-sex orientation? What are we calling them to? Today we talk with Dr. Preston...

Contentment and the Ache Within

“God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they can find rest in you.” This is Contentment and the Ache Within. Augustine wrote these words on contentment long before instant text messaging and social media. The truth remains; you were made by God, for God. Yet you live in a world that says we can double-tap, swipe-right, thumbs up our way to happiness. The problem is...

Come Back to the Cross

We’ve lost our center. Our focus on the Cross has faded; making the conversation you’re about to hear necessary. The world and, in some cases, even the church is offering a watered-down Gospel. Rather than looking past the Cross as a place of burden, let’s start to look to the Cross as a place of intimacy.  Lingering where Jesus died for you may make you uncomfortable. You may even question...

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