


Rats and Beauty

We all have places in our lives we know aren’t beautiful, including at least a few places that are just down right ugly. When we come face to face with one of these parts, we have a choice in how we respond. Many respond by following a logic like this: If you see a rat in your house, you get out a broom and take a whack at it. (Or something, anything, to get rid of it, and fast.) So you see...

Come Clean

It’s in our stories, movies, and legends. In Shakespeare’s MacBeth, Edgar Allan Poe’s Telltale Heart, Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables. We feel it in our bones. It’s in our DNA. When we’re guilty, we desperately want to come clean. Can you relate? Maybe you have a loved one who is struggling against being honest with her sin. Maybe you’re carrying something from your past that you’ve never told...

When You Can’t Do God’s Will

Jesus stood up to impossibility. Like the brave kid on the playground who finally tells the bully to knock it off, Jesus walked right up to impossibilities and punched them in the teeth. And the blind saw, the lame walked, the sinner was washed clean, and the outcast came to dinner. This is so important for you and I today. We seek to faithfully live out God’s will for marriage and...

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