



Confession can be risky. But God doesn’t want to shame us. He wants restored relationship with us and between us.

Tags and Titles

Not all of us carry a business card in a wallet or wear a nametag on our shirt. But every one of us carries one or more titles that shape our lives. Some are clearly negative: Failure, Ugly, Coward, Fag, Unwanted, Unloved. Others may sound pretty good: College Grad, Pastor, Leader, Successful, Sexy. Whatever the titles you carry, they have power. Just like other agreements we make, a title...

You’re Not Digital

Think back over your life in the past three months. What were your most meaningful moments? With the possible exception of a Skype or Face Time call with a far-away loved one, I’m guessing those moments weren’t in front of a screen. And yet, as Americans we’re spending more and more time plugged into electronic media. So are our kids. What are we looking for? Our eyes peer intently at screens as...

Restoring Trust

For couples who have experienced marital unfaithfulness, before their relationship can move forward, they must first deal with the breach of trust.

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