Kids these days are growing up as digital natives, and that presents parents with a new world to lean into. We don’t understand it and it feels new and foreign to us all. Using the line “I used to be your age, I know what you are going through” is no longer a truth we can parent by. Below we will teach you How to Setup Screen Time for Your Kids. Times are changing and so should...
Honor Thy Immigrant
Where do I resist the digital age because it’s bad and where do I resist it because it’s different?
The word 'screen' used to denote a partition. Today it's where we search for two of our heart's deepest needs.
Rated PG
I haven’t lived with my parents for 20 years, but I still remember so much they taught me. I keep my elbows off the table, I keep my eye on the ball. I wear sunscreen and check my mirrors. I know how to swim, make my bed, fry an egg, balance a checkbook, and paddle a canoe. And my mom and dad also talked with me about sex. At least a little. I’m grateful they tried. Shepherding our kids in the...