
theology of the body


Tired of Waiting for God?

Ever look around church and feel like you must be the only one who’s not getting as much from God as you want? The truth is we all long for more of God than we experience. We want God to show up, to love us in the places that yearn for Him most, to make a difference we can feel and see. Waiting for God can be like waiting for sex. (Bear with me.) Consider a bride-to-be who can’t wait to come...

Ms. Grumpy and Me

All I did was ask for half caff. Our waitress glanced toward the kitchen miserably, like I’d just added an hour’s worth of work to her day. I looked around at the spattering of others in the restaurant (hardly a rush); then, when she walked away, I leaned across the table and whispered to my friend, “She’s a grump.” Maybe. But this was also an opportunity for me, and I missed it. Two days later I...

Rats and Beauty

We all have places in our lives we know aren’t beautiful, including at least a few places that are just down right ugly. When we come face to face with one of these parts, we have a choice in how we respond. Many respond by following a logic like this: If you see a rat in your house, you get out a broom and take a whack at it. (Or something, anything, to get rid of it, and fast.) So you see...

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