Unmasking the Sacred



Buckle up, Sacred by Design listeners, because we’re about to take a more frequent journey together!

Starting now, you can expect soul-nourishing episodes every week, diving into the intricacies of our sexuality, our relationship with God, and all the messy, beautiful bits in between.

And as a cherry on top, every month, we’ll be joined by voices you love – Kit, Anne, Rebecca, and Kyle, as we dive deeper into gritty topics like sexual boundaries in dating and recovery from sexual betrayal.

Now, let’s talk about perfection.

When Jesus tells us to be perfect in Matthew 5.48, He’s inviting us to wholeness, not the unrealistic, stress-inducing kind of perfection we often strive for. As we navigate through topics like friendship, fantasy, loneliness, and lust, we’re aiming to help you understand and embrace your sexuality in all its goodness, holiness, and beauty.

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Together, let’s continue to unwrap the divine truth that every bit of you is sacred by design.

Come, join our journey towards wholeness and understanding.

You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Matthew 5.48
Transcription: Unmasking the Sacred

Andrea: 0:01

Hello and welcome to a fun bonus episode of Sacred By Design. The purpose of this podcast today is just to announce some changes that we’re making And I hope you like the changes and I hope that you’ll let me know.

So one of the first changes, right off the bat, is, instead of releasing episodes every other week, we’re now going to be going every week. Isn’t that great? Another change is that you’ll just be hearing from me, mostly Andrea, and then once a month, your favorites, like Kit and Anne and Rebecca and Kyle, will come and join me on the same set to talk about all the topics that we cover, from sexual boundaries while dating, low desire, how to recover from sexual betrayal, how to quit your addiction to porn all the same topics, right, but once a month we’ll just go a little bit deeper with a guest.

So what do you think of that? The things that we’ll be saying the same are our invitation.

Every episode we hope, to offer you an invitation to really just slow down, to pause and consider where you are at in your unwanted sexual behavior, in your relationship with the Lord, et cetera, et cetera, and then bring Jesus in and learn something new.

Matthew 5.48 says Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus is asking you to be perfect, but not the same kind of perfect that we’re thinking, because when God says perfect, the original meaning of perfect is whole. Tell us, god designed you and me to function and operate, representing the wholeness of the image of God.

Some things may have broken along the way And right now that might look like sexual brokenness. We believe Jesus knows your sexual brokenness and is inviting you to wholeness as you are. So every week we hope to bring you that invitation And we’ll explore topics like friendship, fantasy, loneliness, lust, so much more.

We believe your sexuality is good, that it is holy and that it is beautiful. So we hope that you’ll stay with us as we continue to unwrap the gift of understanding that every bit of you is sacred by design.

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