


Moving Beyond Marital Manipulation

Maybe you’ve heard or you’ve said these words: “If you don’t have sex with me, I’m going to be tempted to stray.” Either way, we encourage you to stay and listen. Let’s, together, start Moving Beyond Marital Manipulation. On this journey to sexual wholeness, the world is eager to bombard you with “facts” and “studies say” and “research shows.” The world discredits who God made you and is...

5 Ways Porn Is Hurting You

When it comes to viewing pornography, many of us know how it can feel like a riptide pulling us out to sea. In those moments (and perhaps at other times too), we may wonder, “Is porn really that bad?” I’ll just look for a little while. I could be doing things that are much worse. It’s better than what I used to do. Just a peek won’t hurt. Everyone uses porn. However...

Do You Want to Look at Porn?

Do you want to look at porn? The pull of pornography is devilishly strong. Whatever your reason is for seeking it out, let us offer you 5 reasons to NOT look this time. Don’t let the cycle continue to dull your senses in this life. You are created and meant for living fully alive, fully loved and loving, and fully whole. We hope this episode spurs you towards conviction without condemnation...

When You Don’t Want to Quit

It’s one thing when you’re fired up and ready to resist temptation, but what about when you don’t want to leave your sin behind? Perhaps the most familiar parable in all of Scripture reveals something of God’s heart toward those who prefer sin to their relationship with God. In Luke 15, the younger of two sons decides he’s through working the family business and asks his dad to give him his...

The What and Why of Unwanted Sexual Behavior

So, What are Unwanted Sexual Behaviors? If you find yourself here, you are battling more than sexual sin. You are fighting to become whole.  And that is why, at Regeneration Ministries, our mission is to help you face your issues and break free from patterns holding you captive. Together, we are doing more than just kicking a habit. Satan is loud and thick with shame, grabbing at you to keep you...

Do I Need a Filter to Overcome Porn?

People trying to overcome habitual porn use sometimes resist using an internet filter on their devices. They have varying—and some fairly solid—reasons. I’m afraid it will block things I need access to for work.It will slow down my device too much.I’m a tech guy and know how to get around every filter out there.I want to trust Jesus to deliver me, not a filter.I’m not after behavior...

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