
josh glaser


What Do You Expect?

Why do so many people struggle more during the holidays? Loneliness, depression, family arguments, increased temptations, you name it—this time of year  can be downright tough. But half the challenge around the holidays has less to do with our circumstances and more to do with our expectations. Expectations are TNT to holiday peace and joy. And they come at us from every direction: Advertisers...


Confession can be risky. But God doesn’t want to shame us. He wants restored relationship with us and between us.

3 Reasons Life Is Better (without Porn)

It’s been over a decade since porn was a regular part of my visual and mental diet. I’m one of many who have found that life is simply better without porn. Life Without Porn Here are three reasons why: 1. A free conscience. Those who indulge in porn know the stress of looking over their shoulder to make sure no one will see what they’re watching, deleting internet history, and shading...


In what area of your life have you been living like God is stingy, or that obeying Him will leave you wanting?

Tags and Titles

Not all of us carry a business card in a wallet or wear a nametag on our shirt. But every one of us carries one or more titles that shape our lives. Some are clearly negative: Failure, Ugly, Coward, Fag, Unwanted, Unloved. Others may sound pretty good: College Grad, Pastor, Leader, Successful, Sexy. Whatever the titles you carry, they have power. Just like other agreements we make, a title...

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