

I’ve been pondering recently how Christ led me to freedom from years of pornography, lust, and fantasy. So much was involved, but this Advent, I’ve been thinking about one thing especially:


Your domain is any ground over which you have God-given authority. It can be property, possessions, resources, or even a family, business, or church you lead.

Whatever else is in your domain, your first and primary domain is your body.

And so, you’re meant to be at peace with your body, able to rule what you do with your hands, brain, eyes, etc. And this is true whether talking about sex, words, food, money, or relationships.

When the serpent came to tempt Adam and Eve, he wasn’t after a piece of fruit. He was after their domain. Including their bodies.

Likewise, the story of Jesus’ nativity isn’t really about an inhospitable town with no room, it’s a very real skirmish in a cosmic war between God and that same enemy. A war over a domain.

For many years of my life, when temptation would come, I’d do the same things I swore a thousand times I’d never do again. One moment I’d decide ‘no,’ the next minute I’d choose ‘yes.’

I was in a battle for my domain. I wanted Jesus to have dominion in my body again.

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in lustful passion . . .” (1 Thes. 4:3 – 5a).

Thinking about what I was going through as an issue of domain was a shift in perspective.

  • I stopped fighting against my body, and started fighting for my body.
  • Though sexual sin felt natural, I practiced believing my body was designed for God and made for purity.
  • And I worked to remember that every member of my body was an ally (some parts like POW’s needing rescue, but allies nonetheless) to me, to purity, and to God.

“[Your] body is not for immorality, but for the Lord” (1 Cor. 6:13).

This Advent, consider the tiny baby wrapped in cloths, laid in a feed trough. He is the Savior King come to this dark domain to rescue us, to bring us back to His domain.

“For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body” (1 Cor. 6:20).

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Taking ground,

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  • I like the shift in perspective that thinking about your body as domain that belongs to God and the individual. I will try to think more in these terms.

  • Hi Josh, Thank you once again for the rich thought food and heart food you provide for our souls. I really appreciated your discussion last Thursday and your message about domain has really stuck with me. Knowing that we have domain gives me great confidence. God is fighting the fight in us and the battle belongs to the Lord. Also, God showed me yesterday that I have been doing my own part of the fight all wrong. I have been praying, “God make me, God I have to have more courage, strength, love, purity, etc.” and then waiting for myself to “feel” like I have it like it somehow is going to spring from me trying just a little harder, asking just a little more often. It became hugely freeing when Jesus explained to me in his “still small voice” that I already HAVE all of those things in Him. It’s done! All I have to do is look for them and recognize His strength in me. Instead of “Jesus make me less double minded, make me less fearful” I can pray, “Jesus show me your ability to be wholly Holy” because you live in me. “Jesus show me your fearlessness” because you live in me.” This takes the stress off of me….I was trying to manufacture these things and wondering why my “faith” didn’t show me them? The revelation came when I realize I just have to recognize and trust all that I need to behave in deep fellowship, purity and love and confidence with others and God is already inside me!! He is doing it, He has done it! Praise God !

  • Hi Josh, Thank you once again for the rich thought food and heart food you provide for our souls. I really appreciated your discussion last Thursday and your message about domain has really stuck with me. Knowing that we have domain gives me great confidence. God is fighting the fight in us and the battle belongs to the Lord. Also, God showed me yesterday that I have been doing my own part of the fight all wrong. I have been praying, “God make me, God I have to have more courage, strength, love, purity, etc.” and then waiting for myself to “feel” like I have it like it somehow is going to spring from me trying just a little harder, asking just a little more often. It became hugely freeing when Jesus explained to me in his “still small voice” that I already HAVE all of those things in Him. It’s done! All I have to do is look for them and recognize His strength in me. Instead of “Jesus make me less double minded, make me less fearful” I can pray, “Jesus show me your ability to be wholly Holy” because you live in me. “Jesus show me your fearlessness” because you live in me.” This takes the stress off of me….I was trying to manufacture these things and wondering why my “faith” didn’t show me them? The revelation came when I realize I just have to recognize and trust all that I need to behave in deep fellowship, purity and love and confidence with others and God is already inside me!! He is doing it, He has done it! Praise God !

By Josh Glaser

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