Bargain Hunting

If you could be anywhere in the world to see something that reminded you of God’s beauty, where would that be?
  • The Atlantic at sunrise?
  • The Rocky Mountains when the Aspens are golden?
  • The edge of the Grand Canyon?
  • The Reflection Pond in Denali National Park?

Or how about the grocery store line where the woman in front of you is fumbling through an overstuffed purse to find her 50¢ off coupon for Sugar Puffs?

Everywhere Jesus went, he saw the beauty of God in people. He saw it in the most unlikely of places. Think of Zacheus, a corrupt tax-collector accumulating personal wealth off the backs of his countrymen. Jesus saw him and called out to him like an old friend.

Think of the sexually immoral woman interrupting the religious leader’s dinner party by weeping at Jesus’ feet. The religious leader saw a prostitute. Jesus saw a woman worth loving, a woman capable of great love.

In fact, everything Jesus did was to restore God’s beauty in the men and women he met. When he found embers of beauty hidden under sin or brokenness, he cleared away the ash and blew beauty into flame.

What a difference it would make if we could learn to see people as Jesus did.

If you’d like to see as he does, the change you’re after is supernatural, but it is not impossible. Whether tempted to lust or tempted to loathe, Jesus invites you to see more than you now do.

Even where you’re still seeing objects or obstacles instead of seeing people, Jesus sees his beauty in your eyes. He wants to clear away the ash. He wants to blow the dimly glowing embers of sight into flame so you can see.

Where are you learning to see God’s beauty in others?
Where have you learned to see God’s beauty in yourself?
What difference is it making in your life? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.


Waiting in line,

Josh Glaser
Executive Director
[email protected]

Thanks For Reading.

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  • I see beauty in people’s quirks. An interesting laugh. A neat way to solve math. A funny item hanging in their car. I love seeing how unique He made us all!

    • What a great perspective, Jennifer! It can be so easy to see quirks and differences as liabilities, rather than God’s unique fingerprint on each of us. Thanks!

  • So…where did I see God’s beauty today? I saw it on a long walk, on a day off from work, in the golden afternoon light of a late-winter day that flirted with spring–the messenger of the silly season had arrived considerably ahead of schedule, knocking insistently on Winter’s door and calling out loudly for tired old Winter to just forget its to-do list for a while and come out to play. I caught God’s beauty in the faintest hint of saffron that I smelled when I got down on my knees to see if those pale purple crocuses of my neighbor’s, with their vibrant, saffron-orange centers, actually had a fragrance. As I walked further, God adorned my way with salmon-pink sprays of flowering quince. He courted me with burnished-rose blossoms of camellia; he lured me into his presence with tiny little forget-me-not blue flowers of weeds in the lawn grass. He whispered to me in the graceful architecture of leafless maples, dogwoods and crepe myrtles. He entertained me with the noisy song of a blue jay, and sent a robin fluttering across my path. He trumpeted his majesty to me in regal, red-berried flourishes of holly trees and nandina bushes. And a few days ago, on the 31st of January, he let me catch sight of an ornamental plum tree just coming into lilac-pink bloom. Yes…this is no doubt a false spring–it’s much too early to be the real thing–but nevertheless this false spring is a gift of true love from the Lover of my soul. And may God give us grace in the difficult winters of our lives to see that we can still endure with joy; we can still give him glory; we can still thank him that he never leaves us or forsakes us, even when life’s sorrows have chilled us to the bone and we must step gingerly over sheets of ice, even when our pale winter days pass slowly and seem devoid of any hope or purpose, even when we shiver, walking alone in the cold north wind on a long February night–for the days are still lengthening, and God’s promise still stands, of a world reborn in the coming season of warmth and light, when love will come again, like wheat that springeth green. Amen.

  • I once took a picture of someone on my cell phone and when I showed it to her, her response caught me off guard. She said “Oh, cute!” That’s not what I usually say when I see my picture.
    I am learning to see God’s beauty in myself as I learn how to open myself to others and receive their positive comments back. Here too I usually expect a negative response, but when I am mirrored in their responses I see myself more as God sees me. It is a freeing experience.

By Josh Glaser

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